Perun: Virtual Payment Hubs over Cryptocurrencies
Stefan Dziembowski, Lisa Eckey, Sebastian Faust, Daniel Malinowski
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE S&P 2019
Disproving the Conjectures from "On the Complexity of Scrypt and Proofs of Space in the Parallel Random Oracle Model"
Daniel Malinowski, Karol Żebrowski
International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, ICITS 2017
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payments in Cryptocurrencies Without Scripts
Waclaw Banasik, Stefan Dziembowski, Daniel Malinowski
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2016
Secure multiparty computations on Bitcoin
Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski, Daniel Malinowski, Łukasz Mazurek
Communications of the ACM 59(4), 2016 (a short version of the IEEE S&P 2014 paper)
On the Malleability of Bitcoin Transactions
Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski, Daniel Malinowski, Lukasz Mazurek
Workshop on Bitcoin Research, BITCOIN 2015
Modeling Bitcoin Contracts by Timed Automata
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS 2014
Secure Multiparty Computations on Bitcoin
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE S&P 2014 (BEST PAPER AWARD)
Fair Two-Party Computations via Bitcoin Deposits
Workshop on Bitcoin Research, BITCOIN 2014