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We are based at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw and IDEAS NCBR.  

We are mostly interested in the foundations of cryptography and data security, in particular in provably-secure leakage- and tamper-resilient cryptography, cryptographic countermeasures against malicious software attacks, blockchain, and smart contracts.

The group leader is Stefan Dziembowski.

Our research and teaching have been supported by the European Research Council (ERC), the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), the National Science Centre (NCN), the COST Actions, Intel, and Ethereum Foundation.

Two papers accepted to ASIACRYPT 2024 

We are pleased to announce that two papers on password-based cryptography co-authored by our group members (S. Dziembowski and P. Kędzior) have been accepted for presentation to ASIACRYPT  2024.

August 27, 2024


Cryptography and Blockchain Group at the University of Warsaw and IDEAS NCBR. Email:
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